Jumat, 25 November 2011

best friend

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always present in our lives
be it happy or difficult
not have to say they would hear
all stories will be mixed with spices his story

reprimand when we are wrong to take steps
support when we lifted a decision
responsible although not contribute to
breathes the air of peace when we are wrapped in emotion

*maudy , nindy , intan , amel , gue^^, riana , fitrah*


and ...
always like that until fate separates

*with mubarok, bestfriend when i was jhs*
miss you so much :(

Sabtu, 19 November 2011


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Only with you I share
Only you the best understand
fitful in the heart
That during this uncertain

There was no doubt in my heart
Make sure I got your love
As time passed
Maybe you're the last one for me

I'll do it all for you
I'll give all my love
Dont changed
In love and understand me

Take my hand, hold my finger
Feel all warm myself
Sincerely for your love flow
No one else in my heart

Here I give my love to you
I gave my heart to you sincerely

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